Tony's style -- 短篇小品

S L O W D A N C E: 慢舞1999/6/8 下午 04:34:57
S L O W D A N C E: 慢舞

Have you ever watched kids 你曾經細心的照顧您身旁的小孩
on a merry-go-round

Or listened to the rain 或是聽雨掉下來的聲音 ?
Slapping on the ground?

Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight 曾經跟著蝴蝶四處飛舞
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night? 或看著太陽西下?

You better slow down 你最好慢下來

Don't dance so fast 速度不要太快

Time is short 生命短暫
The music won't last 但音樂不會一直持續下去

Do you run through each day on the fly 你每天飛快的渡過每一天
when you ask "How are you? 但當你問"你好嗎"
do you hear the reply? 你聽得到回答嗎?

When the day is done, 當一天結束時,躺在床上時
do you lie in your bed

With the next hundred chores 明天的事仍在你的腦袋轉ㄚ轉的
running through your head?

You'd better slow down 你最好把腳步放慢

Don't dance so fast 速度不要太快

Time is short生命短暫
The music won't last 但音樂不會一直持續下去

Ever told your child, 每次都告訴你的孩子明天再說
We'll do it tomorrow
And in your haste, not see his sorrow? 但在匆忙間卻沒看到他的難過

Ever lost touch, 與你的好朋友們失去連絡
Let a good friendship die

'Cause you never had time
to call and say "Hi"? 原因是你忙到沒有時間打電話說" hi"

You'd better slow down 你最好把腳步放慢

Don't dance so fast 速度不要太快

Time is short生命短暫
The music won't last 但音樂不會一直持續下去

When you run so fast to get somewhere 當你快速的得到某些東西
You miss half the fun of getting there. 你也錯過了許多好玩有趣東西

When you worry and hurry through your day, 就像是一個從未打開的禮物一樣
It is like an unopened gift.... 當你每天擔心且匆忙的過了一天

Thrown away... 拋開他

Life is not a race.生命並不是一個比賽

Do take it slower 可以慢慢來

Hear the music 在生命的音樂即將結束前聽聽它
Before the song is over.